AI Audit Experts
Professional Certification Program
The Professional Certification Program is intended to establish an industry competency standards and provide direction for the computer auditing activities through an aggressive education program and specification of an improving standard of professional competence. JACKSOFT offers three certification designations:

The International Certified CAATs Practitioner (ICCP) designation is a personal, professional certification to signify that you possess CAATs (Computer Assisted Audit Techniques) foundation knowledge and skills. Individuals qualifying for this designation must satisfy and substantiate the extensive skills and knowledge requirements established by the International Computer Auditing Education Association (ICAEA).
The Certified ERP Audit Professional (CEAP) designation is an expert-level, highly skilled computer auditing professional certification.  Individuals qualifying for this designation must satisfy and substantiate the extensive skills and knowledge requirements established by the by International Computer Auditing Education Association (ICAEA) Certifications Board. 

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The International Certificate ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Auditor is a professional certification program that aims to develop the knowledge and skills of auditors in the field of ESG. The certification is designed to equip professionals with the ability to analyze and evaluate the sustainability and social responsibility practices of organizations and provide recommendations for improvement. Individuals qualifying for this designation must satisfy and substantiate the extensive skills and knowledge in ESG requirements established by International Computer Auditing Education Association (ICAEA).
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